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Understanding C declarations

In this journey to learn the most obscure secrets of C, I realized that somehow I could read C declarations but I didn’t have a deep understanding of it. I didn’t have problems with declaration such as char *p[13] or void (*p)(**void), but for more complicated declarations such as char (*(*x[3])())[5], I did have a hard time. And even after I understood what the declaration meant I wasn’t very sure.

In the book The C programming Language section 5.12, the authors explain the grammar of C declaration and show the a simple code to “Translate C to English”. But the explanation is not straightforward. On the other hand, in the book Expert C programming, the author shows in chapter 3 an “algorithm” that it is really easy to apply.

I will show you how to read declarations with an example. Let’s use char (*(*x[3])())[5].

  • Find the identifier. In this case is x. So x is a.
  • Check whether there is a [ or ( on the right side. x[ x is an array
  • In this case we reach a [ and there is a 3 before the next ] on the right. x[3] x is an array [3] of
  • There is no [ or ( next to x[3]. So let’s check the left side.
    *x[3] x is an array [3] of pointers to
  • *x[3] is enclosed in ().
  • Check whether there is a [ or ( on the right side of (*x[3]). There is a ( followed by ). x is an array [3] of pointers to function returning
  • Check the left side of (*x[3])(). *(*x[3])() x is an array [3] of pointers to function returning a pointer to
  • *(*x[3])() is enclosed in ().
  • Check right side of (*(*x[3])()). There is a [5]. x is an array [3] of pointers to function returning a pointer to array [5] of
  • Check left side of (*(*x[3])())[5]. There is a data type char.x is an array [3] of pointers to function returning a pointer to array [5] of type char

Here are more examples in which I applied the same algorithm.

/* x is a pointer to read-only int */
int const * x;

/* x is a const or read-only pointer to int */
int * const x;

/* p a array [3] of pointers to int*/
int *p[3]

/* p is a pointer to an array [3] of int */
int (*p)[3]

/* p is a pointer to a function returning an int*/
int (*p)()

/* p in a function returning a pointer to function 
returning an int */
int (*p())()

/* x is a pointer to function returning a pointer 
to read-only pointer to char  */
char * const *(*x)();

/* c is an array of pointers to function
that receive a pointer to pointer to int
and returns a pointer to char */
char *(*c[10])(int **p);

By now you should be able to understand any C declaration.

But there is one more step: implement the algorithm, a basic version of course, no error checking, no input parameters in functions.

Implementation!!!! wah wah wah waaaaaaaaahhh

First things first, I will need to:

  • Detect whether the input is a data TYPE (long, char, float, int, double, short, unsigned, signed, struct, enum, union), QUALIFIER (const, volatile) or IDENTIFIER.
  • Get tokens. The input is divided in tokens, for example char *p has 3 tokens: char, *, p.
  • Translate the token to English for example * to pointer to.
  • This last part can be divided into multiple parts: get the identifier (there is only one), detect arrays, detect functions and pointers.

With the help of the books I mentioned at the beginning of this post, let’s start.

Global variables

I will defined the following variables:

#define MAXTOKENS 100
#define MAXTOKENLEN 64

enum token_type { IDENTIFIER, QUALIFIER, TYPE};

/* the token has type and a value */
struct token { 
    char type;
    char string[MAXTOKENLEN]; 

/* I will use the concept of a LIFO to save the tokens 
into memory as I reach the identifier  */
int top=-1;

#define pop stack[top--]
#define push(s) stack[++top]=s

struct token stack[MAXTOKENS];

/* holds the token just read */
struct token this;

Detect input type

To achieve this I used strcmp. strcmp returns 0 if the strings are equal.

enum token_tag classify_string(void){
    char *s = this.string;
    if (!strcmp(s,"const")) return QUALIFIER;
    if (!strcmp(s,"volatile")) return QUALIFIER;
    if (!strcmp(s,"void")) return TYPE;
    if (!strcmp(s,"char")) return TYPE;
    if (!strcmp(s,"signed")) return TYPE;
    if (!strcmp(s,"unsigned")) return TYPE;
    if (!strcmp(s,"short")) return TYPE;
    if (!strcmp(s,"int")) return TYPE;
    if (!strcmp(s,"long")) return TYPE;
    if (!strcmp(s,"float")) return TYPE;
    if (!strcmp(s,"double")) return TYPE;
    if (!strcmp(s,"struct")) return TYPE;
    if (!strcmp(s,"union")) return TYPE;
    if (!strcmp(s,"enum")) return TYPE;

    return IDENTIFIER;

Get tokens

void gettoken(void){
    char *p = this.string;

    /* omit simple white spaces */
    while ((*p = getchar()) == ' ')  ;

    /* get numbers or words */ 
    if ( isalnum(*p)){
        while ( isalnum(*++p=getchar()) );
        /* ungetc since the last read is 
           not alphanumeric and null 
           character should be at the end  */
        *p = '\0';

    /* it could be also a pointer */
    if (*p == '*'){
        this.type = '*';
        strcpy(this.string, "pointer to");
    /* empty string */ 
    this.type = *p;
    this.string[0] = '\0';

Translate to English

First let’s start with the identifier.

void read_identifier(void){
    while( this.type != IDENTIFIER )  {
    gettoken(); // update this

    printf("%s is a ", this.string);

Now let’s focus on detect function. deal_with_function_args will read past ) and print out function returning.

void deal_with_function_args(void){

    while ( this.type != ')') 

    gettoken(); // update this
    printf("function returning ");

It’s time to detect arrays.

void deal_with_arrays(void){

    while( this.type != ']'){
        printf("array of [");
        /* we just need to detect the first digit 
            atoi will do the rest */
        if ( isdigit (this.string[0]) ){
            printf("%s", atoi(&this.string[0])  );
    gettoken(); //update this
    printf("] "); 

Finally pointers.

void deal_with_pointers(void){
    /* '*' is a  left side token , and all of them 
    are in the stack */
    while( stack[top].type == '*'){

    /* this could be an option
        printf("pointer to");

       but don't forget that when type = '*'
       then string is "pointer to" and also
       pop in stack[top--]
        printf("%s ",pop.string)

Putting all together

Now that we finished to code the tools needed, it is time to put all together. We still need to code the declaration manager.

/* for example if the input is 
     int (*p)() 
        call read_identifier()
            in stack [ int , (, * ]

        call declarator
            call deal_with_pointers
                     int (*p) ()
                this.string ^
            pop stack -->  stack [int, ( ]
            call gettoken
                    int (*p) ()
                this.string  ^

            call declarator
                call deal_with_function_arg
                            int (*p)()
                        this.string  ^
                pop stack --> stack [ int ]
                call gettoken()
                            int (*p)() 
                    this.string        ^ 

                call declarator
                    print stack.string = int

void declarator(void){

    if (this.type == '[')

    if (this.type == '(')

    /* let's empty the stack*/
    while( top != -1){
        if (stack[top].type == '(' ){
        else {
            print("%s ", pop.string);

So the main function is as follows:

int main(){
    return 0;

Last words

I hope you master the C declarations. The code that I implemented is the challenge at the end of chapter 3 of Expert C Programming.

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